Proudly announcing the 10th Jim Paredes Online Songwriting Workshop!
This is a cutting-edge, hands-on, songwriting workshop where you will write a minimum of 4 songs in 4 weeks. Along the way, you will learn melody generating techniques, lyric writing, chord enrichment, transposition, styling, writing for different genres, lots of music theory, and many, many more.
Throw in generous amounts of shared experiences you will get from classmates and your teacher. Priceless!
Dates: Oct 2,3,9,10,16,17, 23,24 (These are Saturdays and Sundays)
Time: 10AM to 12PM Manila Time
All sessions will be via Zoom. Tuition is 7K Pesos.
If you have other questions , pls feel free to write me.
When will the next songwriting workshop be held?
Probably by end of January! Will announce here.